Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Emergency Tooth Extractions

In pain?  Thinking about getting that broken or decayed tooth out ASAP?  An emergency extraction may be the answer.  Oftentimes when a tooth has come to the end of the line and cannot be fixed with a filling or root canal and crown, it may need to be pulled.  In a last-minute emergency situation, trying to find help can be frustrating...and we definitely do not recommend tying a string to a door knob and slamming it shut!  Even simple emergency extractions should be handled by a qualified professional.

If you are in need of an emergency tooth extraction, we would love to help, so please call 916-899-5067 or email info@nothingbutwisdomteeth.com.

Visit us at www.nothingbutwisdomteeth.com for more information on extractions and IV sedation dentistry.